ATTENTION! Melton Locals Struggling With The Winter Weight Gain...

We want to help you...

get your summer body back...

in just 6 short weeks!

"I feel stronger and my mental health has improved drastically since joining.

They work with all body types and I'm proud to be apart of this community"

- Sevasti Karavis

Lost 4kg in her first 6 weeks

Join Our 6-Week Spring Into Summer Program!

What some of our Clients are saying...

"Started 63.5kg now down to 58.8kg"
- Ebonee Cook

"So excited I've lost 5.9kg so far this last 5 weeks."
- Josephine Lynch

"I've lost 11kg in the first 3 months"
- Stephanie Scerri


"Weight down 4.6kg in 6 weeks and 7.5kg since I changed gyms in August.

In all my past success and failures at losing weight it's always been really slow to see results. I feel like this is the fastest I've had results."

- Erin Collins


"Stoked with how I feel at the end. Have gone down another dress size and feeling much more comfortable in my clothes

Started at 103.5kg, finished at 97.5kg for a 6kg loss.

- Misty Carter


"I was 92.2 kg when I joined FIT40. This morning hit a new low of 84.9!

It's still a lonngg way to go to hit my goal weight, but I think I’m off to a great start with all the knowledge you’ve taught!"

- Lizz Ali

The Spring Into Summer Program

is the perfect program for you if:

✅ You've struggled to lose the winter weight and watched with frustration as the scale didn't seem to budge no matter how hard you tried...

✅ If you no longer feel like yourself and you want to feel younger and more active

✅ If your old clothes just don't fit anymore and you have to keep buying bigger sizes

✅ If you want to feel like yourself again and get back into a healthy routine...

Then what you’re about to read is the most important body transformation information you’ve ever seen...

The Spring Into Summer Program

Here's what's included in the Spring Into Summer Program:


We’ll educate, support and guide you every step of the way, applying just the right amount of pressure to make sure you follow through and enjoy the process!


We're going to take you by the hand and lead you through the process. All you have to do is follow the instructions and trust the process. Fair enough?


There are NO gimmicks. Our system is based on strength training (to get your metabolism revved up!) & cardiovascular exercise (to burn more calories!). PLUS, we cap our sessions at 6 people so you'll always feel comfortable in a small, friendly group.


Tried every diet under the sun and they've never worked? That's because diets suck! We don't teach a diet here where you have to cut out ENTIRE food groups. With our approach you can still eat the foods you love and lose the weight you want.

We also have the most friendly, welcoming & comfortable group training classes available.

We know what it's like to walk into a big, intimidating gym and have now idea what to do and what machines to use. We know how scary it can be. It feels like everyone is watching you. It's just not a nice feeling when you're already conscious of your appearance.

That's why we created a space where everyone feels comfortable and confident to workout!

Our small group sessions are capped at 6 people per class. This means you get 1-on-1 attention throughout the session so you always know what to do. Plus, you'll feel comfortable exercising with only a few other people just like you.

4 different class types to shape your body however you want

Burn fat, tone your body and tighten your tummy with 4 different classes.

Enjoy the freedom and flexibility to choose whatever classes align with your body goals the most.

Strength classes help to tighten and tone all over.

Strong classes give you all the benefits of Strength in fun groups of 12.

Core classes help to tone the tummy and help any lower back issues.

Sweat classes give the most effective fat-burning workout possible in 40 minutes.

Here's our schedule:

If You’re STILL On The Fence, Please Consider THIS…

The next 6 weeks will pass.

In less than two months, you can look back and be amazed at how much you accomplished…or…

…you can wonder how much better you could have looked and felt.

You deserve to look and feel great, but you have to decide if now is your time.

And I’m not asking for a lot of your precious time…just 6 short weeks.

Are You Ready To Join The Spring Into Summer Program?

I believe in you, but you have to believe in yourself by taking action now if you really want a body that makes you proud, gives you confidence and increases your self-esteem.

Time is going to continue to fly.  

Don’t put this off another second… take FULL control over your body, fit into your favourite clothes again, and live life with the body you always wanted...or you can just keep doing what you’ve always done...and keep getting what you’ve always got.

But if you take action today...EVERYTHING in your life will change for the better.

You’ll wake up EVERY day with energy and excitement ready to take on your day.

Your body, your relationships and most importantly…the way you feel about yourself will improve in ways you can’t even imagine.

Here's all the details..

Program Start Date: October 21st

Duration: 6 weeks

Frequency: Train 1, 2 or 3 times per week (whatever suits your schedule)

Session Duration: 40 minutes

We'd love to have you join the FIT40 family and make an epic transformation!

Your Friend & Coach,

Jake Armistead

P.S. – Warning: If you don’t take control now and do this for you, then you risk getting further and further from the version of yourself that you want to be.  You deserve to look and feel incredible, but you’ll NEVER see a change in how you look if you keep procrastinating day after day, so take action now while you’re still here.

P.P.S. – Don’t forget, with my Iron-Clad, 100% Money-Back Guarantee, I’m giving you a full 30 days to burn the unwanted fat and get the body you’ve always wanted with zero risk.  You finally have a program that is designed specifically for you.. Join right now, RISK-FREE.

Our Guarantee To You!

We're so confident that you'll be getting great results and you'll love your experience here that we'll remove the financial risk for you.

If you don’t enjoy training here and aren't getting amazing results, you can cancel and get your money back in the first 30 days - no questions asked.

Plus, you can keep all the gifts & bonuses as a THANK YOU for taking the time to give us a chance.

what other clients say about FIT40 Melton...

When you join the Spring Into Summer Program today, you'll get 6 Weeks at the best gym in melton!

PLUS, you'll get over $450

worth of proven body transformation

tools for FREE

All you have to do is join our Spring Into Summer Program and the gifts are yours... for FREE!

Here's what to do next...

From here it's just about organising the best time to start and getting your gifts sent to you!

Just click the blue button below right now, follow the prompts and we can get you all set up!!

Thanks for taking the time to read through this letter, we can't wait to help you shape up!!!

Jake Armistead

Real Results From FIT40 clients

"I ended up losing 4kgs, I feel better in my clothes and have more confidence"

- Kerri Mcpherson

"I’m down 7.5 kg since I joined and really look forward to my sessions every week."

- Erin Collins

"Thank you for pushing me to new highs and PBs and giving me the confidence to do so!"

- Sabrina Teoh

6-Week Weightloss Program - STARTS OCT 21st

Copyright 2024 - FIT40 Melton - All Rights Reserved

6-Week Weightloss Program -