Are You Making Your Kids Fat?

Are You Making Your Kids Fat?

October 01, 20203 min read

Live the life you want your kids to live.

Be the example.

You can only truly make progress when you take ownership of your results and really put it on yourself to make it happen.

Yes, hiring a coach is the first step – but just because you’re paying someone doesn’t magically make you lose fat.

Reading books and articles on weight loss is another great step – but without action it’s meaningless.

You really need to dive in and start making changes to see the results. You can’t wait for it to happen, and you certainly can’t make excuses.

You’re not overweight because you work odd hours – you eat too much and move too little.

You’re not overweight because you have a busy life – you eat too much and move too little.

You’re not overweight because you have bad genetics – you eat too much and move too little.

The last one is thrown around a lot in the fitness space.

“Oh, my parents are overweight and I always have been as well. It’s just genetics and how I’m meant to be”

Overweight kids and family

No, it’s not.

While there may be some modest genetic factor when it comes to your weight, it’s largely lifestyle factors that determine whether or not you are overweight [1].

If your parents are overweight or obese, there’s a good chance you will be too. Not because of genetics, but because there’s probably a bunch of shit food in the house all the time.

Parents behaviours shape and mould children incredibly well. If your mum and dad are eating KFC and McDonalds every second night for dinner, you grow up thinking that’s the norm.

Not only do you eat the KFC and Maccas all the time as a child, but when you’re older and out on your own, what do you think you’re drawn to now as well?

KFC and Maccas.

If parents never make exercise or daily activity a priority, do you think the child will? Of course not.

So you see, you’re not overweight because your parents are and you’ve got ‘bad’ genetics. You’re overweight because your parents are and they fed you the same junk they ate.

This has been shown is several studies looking at children with 0, 1 or 2 obese parents. If both of your parents are obese you are much more likely to become overweight or obese as well [2].

Again, not because of your genetics, but because there’s probably a bunch of shit food in the house.

Here’s the good news – it’s not too late to change this. While you can’t change your genetics, you can change your lifestyle.

You can become more active.

You can make better choices with food.

You can start exercising and walking more.

You have the choice to accept responsibility for how you ended up in this situation and to change it. There are no excuses, there’s nowhere to shift the blame – you have to decide if you want the change and to go for it.

It also presents another opportunity to shape and mould your children (or future children) and set them up to live healthier and more vibrant lives.

How parents behave and eat is generally how the children will behave and eat. If you make conscious decisions to eat well and be more active, it instils that in children.

This is definitely a scenario where “do as I say, not as I do” will NOT work. Good luck getting your child to eat well and go play outside when you are sitting there with a large pizza staring at your phone 24/7.

Live the life you want your kids to live.

Be the example.

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Jake Armistead

Jake Armistead is the Owner and Founder of FIT40 Melton. Aside from helping hundreds of clients lose weight and feel better than ever over the past decade - he also loves raising his young son Ollie and showing him how bad somone can be at golf

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